Wednesday 22 September 2010

Carrots: nutritious and tadger-licious

This carrot appears to have a willy. So supermarkets won't sell him. It's a bloody disgrace.

Apparently 25-50% of this country's produce is thrown away because it doesn't look right. Why?

By 2050, this planet will have 9 billion mouths and ever-less fertile land to feed them. Will we still be throwing away pears because they could give someone a horrible flashback to the Moomins? Who's responsible for this madness?

Government! Defra would have thrown out this carrot for having a second branch (never mind a pseudo-willy) despite this being a perfectly natural feature.

Unfortunately, as the homeboy Kilroy-Silk would surely point out, it's not Westminster that calls the shots in this green and fussy land...

EU! Bloody banana benders!

Actually, their stipulations on shape may be less demanding than those of big retailers. Michael Mann of the EC argues that "private standards are stricter than pubic standards and are responsible for the majority of 'out-grading'."


Perhaps. But their ideas of what consumers want are only reinforced by shoppers themselves. Asda's Head of Sustainable Sourcing, Chris Brown, reckons that if they stocked these mis-shapes, "customers won't buy them". So the problem is...

Us? Looks like it.

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